
Explainer: Storage Quota Usage Details

This document proposes an addition to the Storage API (specifically the Storage Manager interface) that would allow script to asynchronously request an estimation of quota usage broken down by storage backend.


There have been frequent requests from users of navigator.storage.estimate() to provide a per-storage system breakdown estimate.

Currently, a call to this function yields only an estimate of the quota usage for all storage systems combined, making it difficult for developers to reason about what is using up quota.

For example, consider an email client that uses IndexedDB to store text and Cache Storage to store attachments. If this client had a pattern of high Cache Storage usage, but low IndexedDB usage, a developer might be able to determine that the app forgot to delete attachments when evicting messages from the local cache. If there were high usage for both storage backends, this might mean the app is caching too many messages, suggesting the eviction policy is not behaving correctly.

By providing a more detailed breakdown of how storage is being used, the change proposed below will allow developers to make these assessments.


Currently, StorageManager.estimate() asynchronously provides a StorageEstimate object with two fields, usage and quota.

Within origin-scoped data, a subset is quota-managed data accounted for by the Quota Manager

Proposed Solution

The proposed change adds another member, usageDetails, to the StorageEstimate dictionary returned by navigator.storage.estimate(). This new dictonary will contain key-value pairs showing the usage of each storage system, where the keys are the names of the storage systems and the value is an estimate, in bytes, of how much disk space said system is using.

Figure 1: Example use of the API from the Chrome devtools console, demonstrating that usageDetails mirrors devtools' usage report.

Caveats Worth Mentioning

  1. The dictionary will omit any pair in which the usage is 0. This lets developers worry only about the storage systems they use and avoids backwards incompatibility when storage systems are deprecated.
    • The cost to this decision is that developers might not know that there are storage systems missing from the usage details dictionary. Developers would also run into issues if they wrote things like usageDetails.caches + usageDetails.indexedDB which, if the usage for either of those was 0, would return NaN. Instead, developers would have to be defensive and write something like (usageDetails.caches || 0) + (usageDetails.indexedDB || 0).
  2. It’s not obvious that the total usage might differ from the sum of the usageDetails members.
    • Today, this could be due to storage systems whose usage isn’t reported. In the future, there may be overhead, or we may not be able to attribute usage with 100% accuracy. This is something that can be addressed via documentation. An alternative is to have an other property on usageDetails that’s literally total - Sum(usageDetails).
  3. DOMStorage (localStorage) is not counted in the quota. This can be addressed via documentation rather than a change to the API shape.

Alternatives Considered

  1. Expose storage systems with 0 usage.
    • Benefit: the API shape is intuitive.
    • Cost: we can’t measure if we can remove storage systems without breaking the Web.
  2. Expose a synchronous storage.getUsageDetails() function that takes the storage system name as a parameter and returns usage. This would return 0 for unknown categories.
    • Benefit: storage.getUsageDetails(‘fileSystem’) will work correctly whether the browser supports a file system API or not.
    • Cost: the param values are not discoverable.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Exposing new data

Per-system quota usage (IndexedDB vs Cache Storage vs AppCache etc.) is a function of all calls made by an origin to the respective storage APIs. The numbers summarize information that the origin already has. An origin can monitor the change in total quota with every storage API call to keep a running total.

User identification/tracking

An origin that has data stored on the client (non-zero quota usage) can store a unique identifier for the user. Instead of using this new API, the origin can simply read a user ID from IndexedDB, or from Cache Storage etc. In other words, the new API does not make it any easier to identify or track users.